TURBT – Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumour

Transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT) is a procedure used to diagnose bladder cancer and remove any tumour or cancerous tissue from the bladder.

Procedure for TURBT

TURBT is performed under general or spinal anaesthesia. Your surgeon inserts a cystoscope (a thin tube with light and camera fitted at the end) into your bladder, through the urethral opening (natural opening for the outflow of urine) to locate any tumour growth or cancerous tissue in the bladder. An instrument called a resectoscope (a wire loop) is inserted through the cystoscope. Electric current is passed through the wire loop to cut away the cancerous tissue along with a margin of healthy tissue. The complete surgical procedure takes around 15 to 40 minutes. 

Recovery After TURBT

A catheter (thin, flexible tube) may be inserted into the urethra and left in place for about 24 hours to remove any blood clots formed in your bladder. You may have to stay in hospital for 1 to 4 days after the surgery. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection and painkillers to provide relief from post-operative pain. 

Like all surgical procedures, TURBT may involve complications such as blood in urine, pain and discomfort. However, your doctors will discuss and weigh the benefits and risks with you in detail before performing the procedure.